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Belcando Senior Sensitive

Belcando Senior Sensitive

Regular price €7,90 EUR
Regular price Sale price €7,90 EUR
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The best raw materials are carefully prepared and combined in the sense of a holistic diet. BELCANDO Senior Sensitive is the right food for older or sensitive dogs. Rich in poultry and with well-tolerated potatoes. Supplemented with valuable cold-pressed grape seed flour, it ensures a healthy metabolism and important cell protection.

The reduced joy of movement with age is matched by a reduced content of proteins and fat. If the recommended amount of food is observed, a higher proportion of crude fibers ensures that the older dog can more easily maintain or reduce its weight if it is adequately full.

The limited content of phosphorus and sodium relieves the kidneys.

production formations


Geflügelfleisch (30 %); Reis; Hafermehl aus geschälter Saat;
Kartoffelstärke (12 %); Geflügelprotein, aschearm, getrocknet (8 %);
Fischmehl aus Meeresfischen (2,5 %); Gelatine, hydrolysiert (2,5 %);
Traubenkernexpeller (2,5 %); Bierhefe, inaktiviert, getrocknet;
Johannisbrotschrot, getrocknet; Rübentrockenschnitzel, entzuckert;
Haferschälkleie; Leinsaat; Chiasaat; Geflügelfett; Geflügelleber,
hydrolysiert; Dicalciumphosphat; Natriumchlorid; Kaliumchlorid; Kräuter,
getrocknet (gesamt: 0,2 %; Brennnesselblätter, Enzianwurzel,
Tausendgüldenkraut, Kamille, Fenchel, Kümmel, Mistelkraut,
Schafgarbenkraut, Brombeerblätter); Yucca schidigera 

Analytische Bestandteile

19,5 %; Fettgehalt 10,0 %; Rohasche 5,0 %; Rohfaser 4,5 %; Feuchtigkeit
10,0 %; Calcium 0,8 %; Phosphor 0,55 %; Natrium 0,25 %


2 - 4 Tage


In Deutschland hergestellt.

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